Kathy Watkins is a freelance writer and web designer. She has written a number of historical fiction stories. These were based on genealogical materials from her grandmothers, firsthand family stories, and research of each period. Also, Kathy is an email subscriber of several writing groups, including the Children’s Writing Resource Center and the Highlights Foundation. In addition, she subscribes to the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Lastly, she founded a Christian writing group in Colorado Springs called Ready Writers and built the web site for it.
Susan Irwin won a national award, signed by the president, for a piece that she wrote. Not only that, but she is an excellent storyteller. Susan has won numerous awards in Toastmasters for her speaking ability. She lead the Christian writing group, Ready Writers, in Colorado Springs.
In addition, Kathy and Susan have been best friends for thirty years. This has enabled them to collaborate in an instinctive and seamless manner on their first book, Chasing Hope, together. Enjoy this adventure with them!